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Our expertise

AtelierFor more than 25 years, SERT offers a wide range of mobile field utilities for Defence and Security sectors to improve the life support in critical conditions. SERT has proved its reliability and ability to match the needs of the people in the field during various military, peace keeping and emergency missions. All those units are now used in a lot of international administration and organisation.

Keeping efficiency in mind, SERT has developed its equipment based on high standardization of components resulting in simple and cost effective maintenance as well as very low rate of spare parts inventory to keep.

Its 12,000 m2 modern plants regroup all the production steps from R&D and manufacture to the worldwide marketing and services.

Thanks to the latest and highest technology equipment, SERT offers a comprehensive range of modules, trailer mounted and containerised products in the business areas of Catering, Sanitation and Life Camp.

SERT has a high efficient quality system certified ISO 9001 and AQAP 2110 for all the business units.  

Concerned about its impact on the natural environment, SERT is committed to an environmental policy and has obtained the ISO 14001 certification.